With the rapid development of the internet age, internet
technology is quickly changing how companies operate and manage its. The
creation of online eCommerce platform is providing a new channel for business
sales and marketing. The growth of the eCommerce market is also pushing traditional
companies to start and operate online platforms. Effective utilization of the
online platform brings their business to new territories.

jewelry industry has been evolving with the online eCommerce trend. Dream Gold
Lucky Jewelry (abbreviated as DGLJ hereafter) focuses on gold jewelry and
accessories, and has been using traditional stores to sell its products. DGLJ
hopes to use online eCommerce platform to increase its brand awareness, establish
its corporate image, expand marketing channels and maximize profit. No space
nor time limit from selling online are wind under the wings for businesses to
extend their marketing reach. Our design studio has been engaged by DGLJ to
provide positioning for its stores on the internet, as well as demand analysis and
website construction feasibility studies. In addition, we will provide planning
and development in various areas like style, function, content and structure
for the DGLJ online shopping portal. The goal is to market this online shopping
portal, diversify marketing channels and increase sales for DGLJ.